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James Library

Faculty Resources


James Library digital resources which include articles, eBooks, streaming video, audiobooks and language programs are provided by subscription and restricted to current RCC students, faculty and staff. The resources are accessed through the library homepage. If you want your students to be able to click through to the resource from off campus, you must provide a proxy link.

  • Off campus, a proxy server routes RCC users to the library's accounts within each database, and requires them to log in for access
  • Therefore, the proxy server’s prefix must be present at the beginning of the link (URL) for any article, or other online resource you wish to share with your students. The RCC proxy prefix is
  • Without the proxy prefix, students will not be able to access the information from off campus



  • Find the article, film, or other resource you want to use in the library digital resources.
  • Locate the link to your resource: Look for a link/share button or chain icon, and the words persistent link, document URL, permalink, or some variation of these.
  • The RCC proxy prefix is

Example of a proxied link:

  • Notice the proxy prefix, followed by the URL for the article. Once someone clicks on the proxied link, they will be prompted to login with their RCC credentials.
  • If your link includes the RCC proxy prefix, simply copy the entire link, and paste it into your Moodle class page.
    ​Ex. ProQuest and Films on Demand include the proxy prefix in their links, so they're ready to use.
  • If your link is missing the proxy prefix, use the CREATE AN OFF-CAMPUS LINK box on this page to add the proxy. Then copy and paste the resulting link into your Moodle page.
    Ex. EBSCO eBooks does not include the proxy, so you would need to create proxied links.