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James Library

About James Library

Library Use Policy

The Gerald B. James Library is committed to maintaining a safe environment conducive to research and study. The library is open to the general public as well as the college community. Library users are expected to act in a responsible manner that is respectful of other library users, staff, materials, and facilities. Users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner in accordance with the policies outlined in this document as well as all applicable college policies, local, state, and federal laws. Users will observe the following guidelines:

  • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult
  • The use of cell phones and library telephones is prohibited
  • No food is allowed in the library, including study rooms
  • Spill-proof beverage containers are permitted in the library
  • Smoking and the use of tobacco products are prohibited in the building
  • The use or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs is prohibited
  • Weapons, simulated or real, are prohibited
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times

Children under the age of 14 entering the library must be accompanied and supervised by an adult over the age of 18.  Parents and/or guardians are responsible for the conduct of their children and must provide close supervision at all times.  The library does not censor library materials.  Therefore, it is the parent's and/or guardian's responsibility to determine whether material their child is reading, viewing or listening to is appropriate for their child. 

Electronic Devices:
Personal electronic and musical devices such as digital media and/or audio players and laptops are permitted in the library, but must be used with headphones.  Bring your own, or purchase earbuds for $2.00 at the front desk.  The volume should be kept to a level that cannot be heard by other library users.

Food and Beverages:
Food is not permitted in the library.  Spill-proof beverage containers are permitted.  Acceptable spill-proof beverage containers will be determined by the library staff.  Examples of spill-proof beverage containers include water and soda bottles with screw caps, sports bottles and commuter mugs.  Beverage containers not permitted include open mugs/cups, paper and Styrofoam cups (even with lids), aluminum cans and glass bottles.  Users bringing food and/or non-secure beverage containers into the library will be asked to dispose of the items immediately.  Do not place beverages near computers or equipment.  If spills occur, please clean immediately.  Please report large spills so proper cleanup can occur.

Fire and Tornado Alarms:
All building occupants will respond immediately to building alarms by leaving the building in the case of fire or relocating to the basement of the building in the event of a tornado warning.  Library staff will direct everyone to the nearest exit or the stairs to the lower level.  Do not use the elevator.  When staff receives the all-clear signal everyone may return to their original locations in the building.

Unattended Items:
Personal items should not be left unattended, even for a few minutes.  Library staff is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal items; this includes personal items left at the circulation desk.  Unattended items found by staff or library users will be placed in the library lost and found at the main desk. 

Disruptive Behavior:
Users exhibiting disruptive behavior will be asked to cease the offending behavior or to leave the library.  Specific examples of disruptive behavior include but are not limited to excessive noise, horseplay, fighting, intimidating or abusive language, overt signs of drunkenness or other substance abuse, vandalism, inappropriate behavior or harassment of any kind.

It is expected that staff requests for compliance will be immediately and respectfully honored.  If the behavior continues or resumes, campus security will be called.  Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, refusal to comply with policies may result in refusal of future access to the library and/or suspension of library privileges.  Questions or complaints should be addressed to the Director of Library Services.