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Community Engagement

This resource compilation provides examples of Community Service programming across the NC Community College system and provides myriad resources to aid in the building/growing of an RCC Civic Engagement Program for student volunteers. 

Due to the size of the resource, the PDFs had to be broken into four parts. Click on the links to download the PDF.

Community Engagement Paperwork 2018-2019 -- Part 1

  • Brochures from local CBOs
    • Pine Forrest Assisted living
    • RCATS
    • The Last Dons
  • Volunteer Paperwork from Agencies Seeking Volunteers
    • Adopt-A-Street
    • Rockingham County Animal Shelter
    • Victorian Senior Care
    • Brookedale Reidsville
    • Jacobs Creek Nursing and Rehabilitation
    • Pine Forrest Home for the Aged
    • UNC Rockingham Health Care
    • Annie Penn Hospital

Community Engagement Paperwork 2018-2019 -- Part 2

  • Forms for the Student, the School, and the Agency Served
    • Service Learning Planning
    • Pre-Approval
    • Emergency/Medical Consent Form
    • Confirmation
    • Faculty/Staff Consent Form
    • Reflection
    • Community Service Report Forms
    • Evaluation Forms
    • Service Project Orientation
    • Documentation/Tracking Forms
    • Agency Profile Sheet
    • Service Agreements and Risk Statements
    • Student Incident Report Form

Community Engagement Paperwork 2018-2019 -- Part 3

  • Examples of other Community College Service Learning/Volunteering Initiatives
    • Central Piedmont CC's Program
    • Stanley CC's Program
    • Iowa Western CC's Program
    • Breakdown of NC Community Colleges with Service Learning or Volunteering Programs
    • Articles on Service Projects other colleges have done

Community Engagement Paperwork 2018-2019 -- Part 4

  • Example of Service Learning at RCC
    • Marianna Rader's Psychology Syllabus
  • Additoinal Resources/Supports for Service Learning or Civic Engagement
    • Campus Compact
    • The Teagle Foundation
    • List of books on Service Learning

The VISTA volunteers also created two brief presentations:

Civic Engagement
Community Engagement