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James Library

College Archives

1967 - The Library: A Learning Resources Center

The following is a release designed to answer questions about RCC's new Learning Resources Center (LRC). The release is in the Library Committee meeting minutes between the April 13, 1967 and the January 8, 1968 minutes and describes the new library in great detail:

An aura of excitement pervades the campus as construction of the new library progresses toward completion. Students, faculty and especially the library staff members are eager spectators as each day brings the dream closer to reality. "The walls are up"..."the elevator made its first trip"..."What will the mezzanine be used for?"..."Where will the books be shelved?"..."WHEN WILL THE LIBRARY BE READY?"

Here are a few answers to the many questions being asked about the new library.

There are three levels in the building which contains 25,442 square feet of space. As you enter the front door, there is a lobby and exhibition area which is separated from the main floor by a glass partition which will help keep out the noise of people coming in and out, going up the stairs, etc. Entering the spacious main floor, one will see the large charging desk, with the Reference Department on the left and the Periodical Department on the right. In the center of the large carpeted room, the elevator and stairways are located. On each side, toward the rear of the building, ranges of double-faced shelving will house the collection of books, with the exception of the Reference section. Beautiful study carrels (two-place and four-place) will be interspersed about the area, as well as attractive reading tables and chairs and "soft" furniture (couches, easy chairs). Micro-readers for use with microfilmed issues of periodicals, microfilmed copies of special valuable documents, etc., will be stationed in the Reference area. A photocopier will be available for making copies of material from books or periodicals which cannot be borrowed from the library. The long narrow windows which add so much to the design of the building will lend a special touch to the indoor-outdoor atmosphere of this impressive room, which is over 100 ft. square.

On the mezzanine floor, the center area will be carpeted and will serve as a special study area. On this floor will be located the Learning Laboratory, a classroom (for library orientation, special meetings of classes preparing for library research, etc.), two Seminar Rooms, an office, a large sound-proofed Typing Room for use by students, and a Listening Laboratory complex. The mezzanine is one-half the size of the main library below.

On the lower level at the rear of the building, there will be offices for the Librarian, Assistant Librarian, secretary, and headquarters for the college Audio-Visual Production Department. Also on this level will be a large room for technical processing of library books and other materials, staff lounge and restrooms, storage room and, until other facilities are constructed, the college's Shipping and Receiving Department.

From the variety of facilities enumerated, it is evident that this lovely new building will be a Learning Resources Center, which is an extension of the old concept of a library of books only. Every facet of our institution's many learning opportunities will radiate from and toward the Library.

New building - new equipment - and new library materials, including books, periodicals, film, filmstrips, magnetic tapes, microfilm, recordings...WHEN will we move into our elegant new home?? Construction is moving right along and equipment is on order. Present schedule seems to indicate some time during the summer. 

If the library book collection continues to grow at the present pace, there will probably be 13,000 to 15,000 volumes by the beginning of the Fall Quarter. At the present time, the library has almost 10,000 volumes. The new building was designed to accommodate 50,000 volumes and chances are that capacity will be reached in less than ten years. However, one should remember that the value of a library does not depend on quantity, but on quality. The ideal junior college has a library with a live collection of well-chosen books and other materials which must be kept up-to-date to keep up with a rapidly changing world of knowledge and events.